Xmas Recap

Happy Sunday guys <3 How are you all? It has been so long since I wrote a post, but I am back hahaha. Today I was looking through my camera roll and I realized I took so many pictures during Christmas! This year all my family were able to get together and celebrate it in Spain. My boyfriend surprised me by coming earlier than expected, so we got to spend Christmas Eve together until after New Year's Eve and my sister and her boyfriend also came for a couple of weeks!! We had such a lovely time together and we did a lot of fun activities as well. We spent some time in a hotel in Barcelona and after we went to Madrid for New Year's to visit some friends from America. I wish we could go back because we had such a good time, but I feel incredibly thankful and grateful for every single moment. I hope you guys had an amazing Christmas break with your loved ones as well <3 


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Vegan Bounty Bars

Today I am sharing one of my current go to snacks. It is so simple to make, easy, and perfect for a little treat when you feel like eating something sweet or chocolaty. Growing up I loved Bounty Bars and everything related with coconut, so when I saw this recipe I thought I had to make it. At first, I thought it would be very plain and tough because all you need are 3 ingredients, but they taste just like Bounty Bars and are made with real ingredients!!! I hope you guys try this recipe and like them as much as I do xx


My Birthday <3

Happy Sunday guys! How are we doing? I still can’t believe it is October already – I feel like summer just started :’) This past month I have been wanting to make a post about my birthday, but I never did, so I thought today I would share some pictures with you guys. My birthday is the 31st of August and this year it was my first birthday at home after 4 years. It felt very weird to celebrate it with my family again and without my sister. I believe we always celebrated our birthday together, but this year it was the first time we couldn’t be with each other. In the morning, I couldn’t stop receiving packages from my boyfriend and Mire at the house (miss them so much <3). The delivery guy came like 6 times in less than 2 hours hahaha. After I felt like all the packages were delivered, mum and I went to pick up my birthday cake and then she had a reservation in a very nice restaurant to have lunch (I had no clue about anything). In the afternoon, I visited my cousins, we went to have a hot chocolate at my favorite place in town, and later I opened my presents through FaceTime hahahaha. After dinner, mum and I had the vegan matcha cheesecake that was delicious and I had a Baileys because of course I had to open the 1L bottle that Jagan got me <3. It was such a lovely day, so thankful for all the amazing people that I have in my life xx







Healthy Brownies

Good morning guys! Today I am in a baking mood, so I decided to make healthy brownies. I found this recipe on Instagram and instead of sugar they use erythritol. When I saw the recipe for the first time I didn't even know what erythritol was, but it is a low- calorie sweetener that replaces sugar. I would say it is similar to stevia. Anyways, it was my first time cooking with this ingredient, and the brownies turned out pretty decent. They are quite thick and not gooey, so if you are looking for a really gooey brownie don't make this recipe, but if you are looking for more of a cake consistency I would give them a try. They are not the best brownies, but definitely a really good healthy option if you are craving some chocolate.

//¡Buenos días chicos! Hoy tengo ganas de cocinar, así que he decidido hacer brownies saludables. Encontré esta receta en Instagram y en lugar de azúcar utilizan eritritol. Cuando vi la receta por primera vez no sabía ni lo que era el eritritol, pero es un edulcorante bajo en calorías que sustituye al azúcar. Yo diría que es similar a la stevia. Es la primera vez que cocino con este ingrediente, pero los brownies salieron bastante decentes. Son bastante gruesos y no pegajosos, así que si buscas un brownie un poco más líquido no hagas esta receta, pero si buscas una consistencia más parecida a la de un pastel, yo los probaría. No son los mejores brownies, pero definitivamente son una buena opción saludable si tienes antojo de chocolate.



200 gr. dark chocolate
1/4 cup erythritol/stevia/brown sugar
1 1/2 tbsp honey
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup oat flour
1 tsp cacao powder
Pinch of salt
1. Preheat the oven at 350F
2. Melt the chocolate in the microwave and set aside.
3. Whisk the eggs with the vanilla and honey. Add the erythritol and combine.
4. Add the flour and cacao powder and mix together. After, add the melted chocolate and mix again. 
5. Place the mixture into a baking dish and bake for 20 minutes.
6. Enjoy!

200 gr. de chocolate negro
1/4 de taza de eritritol/estevia/azúcar moreno
1 1/2 cucharadas de miel
2 huevos
1 cucharadita de extracto de vainilla
1/2 taza de harina de avena
1 cucharadita de cacao en polvo
Una pizca de sal

1. Precalentar el horno a 350F
2. Derretir el chocolate en el microondas y reservar.
3. Batir los huevos con la vainilla y la miel. Agrega el eritritol y combina.
4. Añadir la harina y el cacao en polvo y mezclar. Después, añadir el chocolate derretido y mezclar de nuevo. 
5. Colocar la mezcla en una fuente de horno y hornear durante 20 minutos.
6. ¡A disfrutar!


Happy Friday guys! How are you all doing? In Spain the weather has been really sunny, so I’ve been going for my daily runs early in the morning. Also, I am trying to get back to my morning routine and daily habits. I try to stretch at least 10 minutes every day, meditate at least 5 minutes, and journal after. I feel so inspired after meditating that I like to write down what I am feeling grateful for and set an intention for the day. I also write a to do list for the day and the things I need to get done. Anyways, today I was editing some pictures from last month and I thought I would share some from Cambridge. I really liked the city and we had such an amazing day! We visited the Cambridge Market Square, walked around, went on a punting guided tour – was so much fun, and ate loads of good food :p

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Raw Lemon Bars

Good morning guys! Sorry that I haven't been posting anything lately. This past month I have been in England, so I wanted to disconnect, take a break from everything, and enjoy my time there. I will be sharing pictures soon, but I had so much fun, and visited a lot of places that I had never been before! Anyways, today I am sharing with you guys a recipe that I made a month ago and it was honestly so yummy. I always saw @hauteandhealthy make them on Instagram, so I though I would try them because I love all her content and podcast episodes. You guys need to try these raw lemon bars because they are really simple, easy, and healthy! 


//¡Buenos días chicos! Perdonad que no haya colgado nada últimamente. Este último mes he estado en Inglaterra, así que quería desconectar, descansar de todo y disfrutar de mi tiempo allí. Pronto compartiré las fotos, pero me divertí mucho y visité muchos lugares en los que nunca había estado. En fin, hoy comparto con vosotros una receta que hice hace un mes y que, sinceramente, estaba muy rica. Siempre veía a @hauteandhealthy hacerlos en Instagram, así que pensé en probarlos porque me encanta todo su contenido y podcasts. Tenéis que probar estas barritas de limón crudas porque son muy sencillas, fáciles y saludables!



1/2 cup walnuts
8 large metjool dates, pitted
1 tsp cinnamon

1/2 cup soaked cashews (soak in boiling water for 1h) 
1/4 cup coconut oil
2 tbsp lemon juice
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 cup maple syrup or honey

1. Food process all the base ingredients until sticky and press the “crust” into a base of parchment-lined dish and pop into the freezer.
2. Food process all the filling ingredients until all is well blended. Pour over the crust and spread with the back of a spoon.
3. Place back onto the freezer for at least an hour.
4. Cut up into bars and enjoy!
1/2 taza de nueces
8 dátiles metjool grandes, sin hueso
1 cucharadita de canela

1/2 taza de anacardos remojados (remojar en agua hirviendo durante 1h) 
1/4 taza de aceite de coco
2 cucharadas de zumo de limón
1/2 cucharadita de extracto de vainilla
1/4 de taza de sirope de arce o miel

1. Procesar todos los ingredientes de la base hasta que estén pegajosos, presionar la "corteza" en una base y meter en el congelador.
2. Triturar todos los ingredientes del relleno hasta que estén bien mezclados. Verter sobre la corteza y extender con el dorso de una cuchara.
3. Volver a meter en el congelador durante al menos una hora.
4. ¡Cortar en barritas y a disfrutar!