
Hello <3 How are you all? Today I thought I would share a September photo dump. September has been a month of changes and new environments, but I feel very privileged to move to a different country and London has always been one of my favorite cities. Also, I can't believe I am a student again - it feels so weird sometimes! Anyways, I am loving the MBA in Luxury Brand Management and I am already in love with this city <3 I hope you all enjoy the pictures xx 

//Hola <3 ¿Cómo estáis todos? Hoy he pensado en compartir algunas fotos de septiembre. Septiembre ha sido un mes de cambios y nuevos ambientes, pero me siento muy privilegiada por mudarme a un país diferente, Londres siempre ha sido una de mis ciudades favoritas. Además, no puedo creer que sea estudiante de nuevo, ¡se siente tan raro a veces! De todas formas, me está encantando el MBA y ya estoy enamorada de la ciudad <3 Espero que todos disfrutéis de las fotos xx





Spanish Dump

Hello loves <3 How are you all? It has been a while since I have posted in here, so I thought I would share some of my fav pictures from this past month at home. After Dublin, it was nice to be back home, get some sun (after Dublin I have never looked so pale), eat lots of figs and watermelon salads, and celebrate my birthday with my twin. She came back from the United States and we had the best time together. I missed her so much!!! I hope you all enjoy this photo dump about my life lately. Lots of love from London xx 


//Hola amores <3 ¿Cómo estáis? Hacía tiempo que no publicaba por aquí, así que he pensado en compartir algunas de mis fotos favoritas de este último mes en casa. Después de Dublín, fue agradable volver a casa, tomar un poco de sol (después de Dublín nunca he estado tan pálida), comer muchos higos y ensaladas de sandía, y celebrar mi cumpleaños con mi gemela. Ella volvió de Estados Unidos y nos lo pasamos muy bien juntas. ¡¡¡La he echado mucho de menos!!! Espero que disfrutéis de este resumen de fotos. Mucho amor desde Londres xx





Life Lately

Hello loves <3 How are you all? It has been a while since I did a post, so I thought I would give you guys an update. I am still in Dublin and enjoying it so far. I would say I adapted to the city very quickly as it is quite small. People are so nice here and there is always something to do, but the weather isn't very good... It is almost July and we don't get to 20 degrees hahaha. For example, this week it has been raining every day, and it has been cold. We are still wearing jackets and boots... so I am going a little bit mental because it feels like December. Anyways, I do not have much time left here, so hopefully I will get some sun in the upcoming months. I hope you all enjoy this photo dump about my life lately. Lots of love xx 


//Hola amores <3 ¿Cómo estáis todos? Hace tiempo que no hago un post, así que he pensado en poneros al día. Todavía estoy en Dublín y lo estoy disfrutando hasta ahora. Diría que me he adaptado muy rápido a la ciudad ya que es bastante pequeña. La gente es muy amable aquí y siempre hay algo que hacer, pero el tiempo no es muy bueno… Estamos casi en julio y no llegamos a los 20 grados jajaja. Por ejemplo, esta semana ha llovido todos los días y ha hecho frío. Seguimos con chaquetas y botas… así que me estoy volviendo un poco loca porque parece diciembre. De todas formas, no me queda mucho tiempo aquí, así que espero que me dé algo de sol en los próximos meses. Espero que disfrutéis de este volcado de fotos sobre mi vida últimamente. Mucho amor xx





Hello loves <3 It has been a while since I did a post, so I thought I would give you guys an update because so much has happened! So... I am currently in Dublin. I arrived about 3 weeks ago and I am enjoying this city to be honest. It was my first time here, so I didn't know what to expect, but I would say it is quite of a small and charming city. The only thing that I am not very keen of is the weather, but not much I can do about that hahaha. Below is a photo dump about my last weeks in this new city :) Hopefully I will be doing more tourism around Ireland and I can share with you guys! I hope you all are good, lots of love xx


//Hola amores <3 Hace tiempo que no hago un post, así que he pensado en poneros al día porque han pasado muchas cosas. Así que... actualmente estoy en Dublín. Llegué hace unas 3 semanas y la verdad es que estoy disfrutando de esta ciudad. Era mi primera vez aquí, así que no sabía qué esperar, pero diría que es una ciudad bastante pequeña y encantadora. Lo único que no me gusta mucho es el clima, pero no puedo hacer mucho al respecto jajaja. Abajo hay un photo dump sobre mis últimas semanas en esta nueva ciudad :) ¡Espero hacer más turismo por Irlanda y poder compartirlo con vosotros! Espero que estéis todos bien, mucho amor xx



Sunday Routine

Hello babes! I am so excited to write this post because I am currently obsessed and really enjoying my Sunday self-care routine. I used to hate Sundays and having this routine makes me feel really good and get ready for the week ahead. As many of you know, taking care of myself physically and mentally is a passion of mine and I love to create routines that make me feel my best and help me stay on track. Sunday is the day of the week where I slow things down and I allow myself to relax, sleep a little bit more, and give my body the extra love and time that needs. Not every week my Sundays look the same but below I share my 4 Sunday non-negociables.  
  • Hair Mask: it might sounds gross, but I wash my hair every 6 days (once a week). I used to wash it way too often and I realized that wasn’t good if I wanted to stop my hair from falling out. Sundays are my hair days. I wash it with a parben and sulfate free shampoo and I put a hair mask for 3/4 hours. A lot of people ask me how I keep my hair from looking grease because of course I workout almost every day, so the answer is dry shampoo.


  • Movement: depending on how many days or how hard I worked out that week I’ll choose a different workout, but I usually go for an intense and sweaty session. Because some days during the week I’m not able to workout for a long time or not at all, I like to take my time to get in a good and long workout. It feels so good and it gets me motivated to start a new week. If I feel very tired because I have been working out every day during the week I would just go for a walk or do some stretching.


  • Plan The Week: after Sunday’s lunch I always sit down with my planner and I plan the week ahead. It might seem pointless, but I even plan what kind of meals I will have, so I know what I am going to eat every day. If I know I will be meeting with some friends or family I write it down as well, so I know that I will be eating out. Also, I try to schedule my workouts for every day and the times I will be working out. When I have almost every day planned, I write down 3 main goals for that week, so I have 3 things to really focus on. For example, this week’s goals will be to make sure I drink at least 3L of water, make sure I take my vitamins in the morning, and stretch at least for 5 minutes every day.


  • Exfoliate & Dry Brush: because Sunday’s are the days that I wash my hair and I spend more time in the shower, I like to exfoliate with a body scrub. Body scrubs remove all the dead skin cells, allowing the moisturizer to absorb better and it unclog pores, preventing ingrown hairs. Dry brushing is also a really good habit to have. I do it almost every day before getting into the shower, but if for some reason I haven’t done it much that week, I make sure I do it on Sunday. Dry brushing unclogs pores in the exfoliation process and it helps detoxify your skin by increasing blood circulation and promoting lymph flow/drainage. Also, by unclogging pores, it’s easier for the body to sweat and eliminate toxins in your system. It is basically a lymphatic massage, but at home.





Xmas Recap

Happy Sunday guys <3 How are you all? It has been so long since I wrote a post, but I am back hahaha. Today I was looking through my camera roll and I realized I took so many pictures during Christmas! This year all my family were able to get together and celebrate it in Spain. My boyfriend surprised me by coming earlier than expected, so we got to spend Christmas Eve together until after New Year's Eve and my sister and her boyfriend also came for a couple of weeks!! We had such a lovely time together and we did a lot of fun activities as well. We spent some time in a hotel in Barcelona and after we went to Madrid for New Year's to visit some friends from America. I wish we could go back because we had such a good time, but I feel incredibly thankful and grateful for every single moment. I hope you guys had an amazing Christmas break with your loved ones as well <3 


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