Chocolate Truffles

Today I am sharing with you guys a really easy and very delicious recipe: chocolate truffles! They are perfect when you are craving something chocolaty and sweet and they are so convenient if you want to take a snack with you. Also, they are made with real ingredients, so they are the perfect healthy treat. Hope […]

Homemade Empanadas

Good afternoon guys! Today I am sharing a new recipe that I made this week and turned out pretty good. We had some shortcrust pastry left and we didn’t know what to use it for, so I though I could make empanadas even though I never made any. I didn’t look up any recipe, I […]

Valentines Day Cookies

Good morning guys! Monday was Valentines Day, so I saw this really cute valentines cookies on Instagram and I decided to make them – found this recipe on @bakesandeats__ Instagram’s profile. The cookies were supposed to be quite small and thin, but mines turned out very big and thick as the mixture was a little […]

Vegan Cheesecake

Happy Sunday loves! How are you all today? This week we celebrated my mum’s birthday, so we I made a vegan cheesecake for the first time. I got inspired by one of the recipes from @tictacyummy on Instagram, but I changed it a little bit. It is not the best looking cheesecake as the base […]

Vegan Bounty Bars

Today I am sharing one of my current go to snacks. It is so simple to make, easy, and perfect for a little treat when you feel like eating something sweet or chocolaty. Growing up I loved Bounty Bars and everything related with coconut, so when I saw this recipe I thought I had to […]