Ariadna Jordan Marcos, a 22 year old girl from Barcelona, Spain. I was born and raised in Barcelona, but when I was 18 I moved to the United States with a tennis scholarship to continue my academic and athletic career.  

I’ve lived in Mississippi, Missouri, and Spain, and in a few months I will be moving somewhere else because I am graduating from college. I would love to explore a new country because exploring different places is one of my biggest dreams in life. 

I’ve always dreamed about creating my own blog, and because I have a minor in MIS (Management Information Systems) I have learned how to build a website from scratch. I have been building this blog for 3 months now, so I am so excited to share it with you guys. I’ve always decided to create a blog where I could share all my trips, workouts, lifestyle, recipes, and fashion. 

Fashion is also a big part of my life. Since I was little I’ve always cared about what I’m wearing and trying different styles and trends. It’s also something I would love to work more with in the future. Photography has also been a big passion of mine. I love editing pictures, finding beautiful places to shoot, and taking pictures for memories. 

I am so happy this blog is finally becoming real and that I got to build it all by myself. I hope you all enjoy reading my blogposts and getting to know more about me!

With love, Ari xxx