Whole Foods UK

A few weeks ago I went for my first time to Whole Foods UK and the excitement was real hahaha. If you guys know me, you know that I love healthy and natural supermarkets. When I lived in the United States, I loved going to Trader Joe’s, Natural Grocers, Lucky Rabbit, Eat Well, Whole Foods,… […]

Trader Joe’s

Last week we had an appointment to get the second dose of the Moderna vaccine and since we had to go to Saint Louis (a bigger city) we decided to stop by Trader Joe’s. I was so excited because I had never been there before as we don’t have any near our area. It was […]

Eat Well

Happy Sunday <3 These past weeks I had such a busy schedule. I just had a break from doing school work, so I thought I would write a blogpost. Last weekend I went to Eat Well, one of my favorite grocery stores. They have all the healthy brands and many cool products. I could spend […]