Sustainable Travel

Week 4 was focused on Sustainable Luxurious Travel. To start the class, we were asked to analyze the Carbon Footprint from our last 6 month of travels. From looking at everybody's footprint, it was impressive to see how much emissions we cause as individuals and how little conscious we are. This activity really helped me think and reflect about the small changes that I could implement in my daily routine in order to have less impact on the planet. 

The second activity was focused on Glamping, a glamorous way of camping. It was very interesting to see the popular locations for luxurious Glamping and research other areas that are not as popular. In our group, we found gorgeous locations in Croatia and Italy, where there are some amazing luxurious Glamping locations, but they are not as well known by people. 

During this week, I really enjoyed knowing more about luxury travel and the incredible luxurious hotels & locations that are out there. It was also very interesting to learn more about the emissions we are causing on a daily basis and the importance of taking care of the environment we live in <3


Luxurious Glamping site in Croatia



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