Week 3

Being aware of the materials, origin, and labor that goes into the clothes we wear is important. During this week's seminar, professor Natascha conducted the class with two very insightful activities to approach sustainability. The first activity consisted on looking at the labels of the clothes we were wearing and finding out the fabrics, country of origin, biodegradability, and cost. From the results, we saw that most of the fabrics were not recyclable and therefore damaging to the environment. As the class continued, we were asked to do a second activity, which was to sew a button as most of the clothes that people throw are due to small damages such as a missing button. 

These two activities really made me think about how much impact and damage we are making to the environment we live in. Little things like sewing a button is causing people to throw their clothes and generate waste. Also, not being mindful of the items we purchase by looking at labels is causing unawareness of the amount of garments we are buying that are not made with biodegrade or recyclable fabrics. These minimal efforts can make a big difference. 

Being more conscious of what we consume and where things come from can make a shift on our mindset and the way we look at the environment. As a society, we must appreciate what the planet is giving us and start taking better care of it. 

Every small detail counts <3


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