Homemade Granola

And the third recipe that I will share today is my homemade granola! I always like to add a little bit of crunch to my yogurt bowls, but I am not a big fan of most granola brands in the supermarket. Most of the time they are packed with sugar and the good brands are […]

Peanut Butter Cookies

Today it’s all about new recipes. When traveling I like to bring my own snacks and make sure I have some yummy little treats. For our trip to Alabama I decided to make Peanut Butter cookies because I had some peanut butter that I honestly didn’t know what to do with it. This recipe is […]

Matcha Almond Loaf

Sorry guys for being so absent, but these past two weeks have been crazy with traveling and packing. Before leaving to Alabama for the national championship tournament I did a massive closet clearance because soon I’ll be moving out and moving to different countries, so I tried a recipe with matcha to take a break from […]